Monday, June 8, 2009

Blond Moment

Today I was shopping at safeway, getting some things for my mom. Usually I know where everything is, most of the time I can find what I'm looking for. As I collected the items on my list I began to feel a sense of accomplishment, I mean, how many guys aren't able to do that?! Waay too many! Anyways I got to the last thing on my list and hesitated for a second. The last thing on my list was a dozen eggs. I had to think for a second, usually I get eggs at Costco. I thought for a second then went in search of the dairy and produce section. I quickly found the section, at the back of the store, and began looking for eggs. After 2 minutes of intense searching I began to wonder where they kept the eggs (and if they even kept eggs at this store). Not wanting to ask for help I did one last scan for the elusive eggs and came up with nothing. They were not there! No big deal. I would just find a worker and ask where they kept their eggs. Luckily there was a worker right in the isle right behind me, so I asked her where they kept the eggs. She looked at me kind of funny and pointed to the little display thing I was leaning on. You know those open freezers that lay flat at the stores? The ones that usually have beef or chicken in them? Well the one I was leaning on was full of egg cartons! I didn't even see it! As I grabbed the eggs and walked away I thanked her for pointing them out to me. 

She was laughing to hard to say anything back.  


  1. Hey, I totally understand that! It's hard to find a particular thing in a store you've never bought that thing in. Besides, stores never seem to know where to put eggs. They aren't really meat and the aren't really dairy...

    Btw, Jonathan and I loved your guys' concert! I wish we could have said hi afterwards, but Kaylee wasn't cooperating. You sounded great and we're gonna miss not hearing you all when you move!

