Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Playing in a quartet has given me opportunities to see different places. Near and far. I like to compare the experience from one place to another, and see what difficulties (better known as problems) always come up. 

One problem that always seems to come up is space. Two violists, one violist and one cellist cannot fit into a small space with chairs and music stands. Especially when all those players are over six feet tall. Its just not happening. For some reason though people think we can fit anywhere. Here's how a typical conversation will go, regarding "where to put the musicians".

Lady #1: "Where should we put the musicians?"
Lady #2: "Oh put them up against that wall"
Lady #1: " I was going to put a table there"
Lady #2 "That's fine, way too much space just for the musicians anyway"
Lady # 1 "What about that small nook over there?"
Lady # 2 "Oh that's perfect! We'll just shove em back in there. Perfect!"

They think that we can fit in a space 3' x 3' no problem. What's really annoying is when we get there and have to try to squeeze ourselves in there. Its pure torture I tell you! 

I always seem to have the misfortune of doing what I call the "bob and weave". Since I sit on the outside I have to constantly be on the lookout for people who think they can somehow walk through me. That's where the "bob and weave" comes into play. When someone is coming close to walking into me and or my instrument (whichever is "in their way") I bob or weave out of their path. Usually I only have to move a few inches. Sometimes though, its like they expect me to move a few feet. You can only do so much while your playing, in a chair I might add. 

Whenever I think about this problem my mind takes me back to a gig we had a few years back. We were playing for a wedding at a mansion. It was a gorgeous place. I was just beginning to think that we might be in luck, looked like there was plenty of space for everyone, but at that moment the wedding coordinator said, "You can set up right in there." as she spoke she pointed to a small alcove off to the side. I looked at the space and shook my head. How can anybody look at a group with two guys over 6' 5" and put them in a small space like that?! Without a second thought! 

Anyway... after we did the limbo getting setup it was time for the wedding. Wouldn't you know it that the whole wedding party had to walk past us to get to the designated spot for the ceremony. Seriously there were only 2 feet between me and the wall, and the whole wedding party had to go through there. Not good. As we played and they came by, I was desperately trying not to poke anyone with my bow or trip anybody. All in all nothing major went wrong. Sure I poked a few people, but I did my best. At least no one did a face plant because of me. 

After the ceremony, (yes I did have to dodge the wedding party again) we played for the reception. Unfortunately the reception was at the same place, so we stayed in the same tiny place. As the party wore on, the room attached to our "space" (this room was small too) began to fill to overflowing. It became impossible to play without poking someone, or having someone bump into me. I pretty much gave up hope and began counting the minuets till we left. During a climatic moment in the party a guy backed into me and leaned on me like I was a piece of furniture! He was there for a good 90 seconds! And when he finally moved he didn't apologies, or acknowledge me as anything more than a piece of furniture!! I mean come on. Give me a break. 

There's really nothing you can do about these situations. You've just gotta go with it and come out on top, being the victor. It's up to us to rise above it all in the face of adversity. Let that be your inspiration for the day. 

Go forth and rise. 


  1. Great post!
    Even though I'm short...=) I totally understand the space dilemma.
    I particularly appreciate your last paragraph. Thanks for the brilliant inspiration!

  2. At least you have a weapon in your hands to poke back. I've had people run into me while I'm on the PIANO!!! People are just completely oblivious sometimes!

    *people randomly walk into me in the mall too. Unless I follow Jared, they just don't seem to see me and Wham!*

  3. As your blog suggests, this post was brilliant. I look forward to reading more :)
    But I can totally relate with you on the 'bob and weave'. Very short people and very tall people seem to be quite invisible :D
